2MD, Department Of Ophthalmology, Uşak University Training And Research Hospital, Uşak, Turkey DOI : 10.37845/ret.vit.2022.31.32 Purpose: The patient charachtheristics, treatment and results of a 75 years old male patient who was referred with a diagnosis of intraocular inflammation after covid infection and who had pars plana vitrectomy and antifungal therapy for possible endogen candida endophthalmitis are presented.
Case Report: Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis is a potentially blinding condition. Longer hospital stays and the need for more intensive care, use of steroids and antibiotics due to covid 19 are associated with an increased risk for fungal endophthalmitis. The 75 years old male patient who had vitrectomy and silicone oil injection together with intravitral and peroral antifungal treatment has lost vision due to retinal detachment and PVR. However we think that general health status of the patient recovered and a potentially lethal condition was prevented.
Conclusion: Since fungal infection may cause choroidal- retinal and vitreal lesions, a careful eye examination should be performed in patients with vision complaints after Covid.
Keywords : Endophthalmitis, covid-19, intensive care