2006 , Vol 14 , Num 1
Nd:Yag Laser Membranotomy for Subhyaloid Hemorrhage due to Traumatic Pancreatitis
Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları A.D., Ankara
Nd:YAG laser membranotomy was applied to one eye of a patient with premacular subhyaloid hemorrhage due to trombocytopeny and disseminated intravascular coagulation secondary to traumatic pancreatitis with the aid of central mirror of Goldmann’s 3 mirror contact lens and, Neodymium:yttriumaluminum- garnet laser (Nd:YAG, Zeiss, Visulas YAG II plus). Maximum Nd:YAG laser power was 7.3mJ and number of shoots was five. Nd:YAG laser application resulted in drainage of hemorrhage into the vitreus and visual acuity of the patient increased to 10/10 from counting fingers at one meter. During the procedure no complication had been occured and there was not any sign of lesion at or around the laser application area. Here we report the relationship between traumatic pancreatitis and subhyaloid hemorrhage and discuss its treatment using Nd:YAG laser membranotomy.
Keywords :
Nd-YAG laser, pancreatitis, subhyaloid hemorrhage