2000 , Vol 8 , Num 3
GATA Göz Hastalıkları AD, Elazığ Asker Hastanesi
Twenty seven patients with ocular inflammatory reactions that could not be suppressed or had frequent uveitis attacks with classical uveitis treatment were treated with interferon alpha . 22 of the 27 patients had been diagnosed as Behçet's disease and 5 diagnosed as idiopathic panuveitis. As a standard protocol at the last week of 1-month steroid therapy, interferon alpha was given 4,5 million IU three times a week subcutanously with a total of total 90 million IU. The results were compared with the control group treated with cyclosporin and prednisone according to remission period and attack number during follow up. Remission period in interferon group is mean 6,8 (±5, 3) months and in the control group 3. 8(±2. 4) months, the difference is statistically meaningful (p=0, 001). In conclusion, interferon alpha seemed to elongate the remission period with respect to control group, and can be used as an alternative therapy to elongate remission period in patients whose ocular involvements could not be suppressed with classical uveitis treatment.
Keywords :
Interferon alpha, Behçet's disease, uveitis treatment