2002 , Vol 10 , Num 1
Gazi Ü.Tıp Fak. Göz Hastalıkları ABD.
Purpose: To evaluate the results and complications of surgeries applied for dropped lens nucleus during cataract surgery. Methods: Twenty-two eyes with nucleus dislocation into the vitreous those underwent surgery were inspected retrospectively. Records were divided into two groups. Group 1(12 eyes) was the instant surgery for the removal of nucleus dislocation and group 2 (10 eyes)was representing a secondary surgery for the nucleus dislocation. Pars plana vitrectomy, pars plana phacoemulsification and lens extraction were applied to remove dislocated nucleus. Mean follow-up period was 6.3 months (range 2-18 months). Visual results and complications were compared between two groups.
Results: Best corrected visual acuity was higher than 0.5 in 5 eyes (41.7%), between 0.1-0.5 in 3 eyes (25%) and less than 0.1 in 4 eyes (33.3%) in group 1 and higher than 0.5 in 2 eyes (20%), between 0.1-0.5 in 1 eye (10%) and less than 0.1 in 7 eyes (70%) in group 2. Visual results were significantly better in group 1 statistically (students T-test, t=4.041, p<0029). Secondary glaucoma and inflammation was more evident in group 2.
Conclusion: Surgeries applied to remove dislocated nucleus at the same session with the cataract surgery may have better visual prognosis and less complications. Keywords : Nucleus drop, pars plana vitrectomy, phacoemulsification, complications, cataract surgery.