2009 , Vol 17 , Num 2
Automated Computer System Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Photographs
1Beyoğlu Göz Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2. Klinik, İstanbul, Uzm. Dr.2Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göz A.D., Düzce, Prof. Dr.
3Drexel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göz A.D., Philadelphia, PA, ABD, Prof. Dr. Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of computer algorithms in the detection and grading of retinopathy derived from screening of diabetic photographs.
Methods: Screening fundus photographs (5 per eye) taken with a mydriatic camera in a general ophthalmology clinic for 52 sequential diabetic patients were graded by a general ophthalmologist and a retina specialist and compared with computer grading of digitized images acquired from color slides.
Results: Among the 104 eyes, 64 (61.5%) had no retinopathy lesions (Grade 10), 6 (5.8%) eyes had only 1 or 2 microaneurysms, 21 (20.2%) eyes had more than 2 microaneurysms but no other lesions (grade 21), and 18 (17.3%) had additional lesions (grade 21+). Among the ophthalmologists, there was exact agreement in the grading of 76 eyes; in 21 eyes grading by each was within 1 grade level, and in 7 the grades differed by 2 grade levels. Computer algorithm grading agreed with the ophthalmologists’ grade in 51 (50%) eyes; in 24 (23%) eyes the computer under-graded by one grade level, and by 2 grades in 2 eyes. In 22 (21%) eyes, computer grading was greater by one grade level than the ophthalmologists’ grading and in 5 (5%) eyes the algorithms overgraded by 2 grades.
Conclusions: Computer algorithms were able to detect and grade retinopathy from fundus photographs taken of a set of sequentially screened diabetics with consistency similar to the agreement in grading between a general ophthalmologist and a retina specialist. Keywords : Diabetic Retinopathy, Screening, Digitized Fundus Photographs, Computer Algorithm